Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Tramp stamps are more than Thirty Nine Cents

I still haven't foud what I'm looking for, as pertains to a model for the cover of THEOCRICIDE.

I had some interesting submittals this past Fall, when I ran the model search contest, but nothing really worth a book cover...it was all rather disappointing (unlike sports, where the second worst performing team wins for having shown up for the game, I can't afford to embrace and reward tepidity). But, I am regrouping and trying to work out a new cover...several ideas have presented themselves, and I am leting them incubate.

Still no second call from last Saturday's mystery woman...all in all, a not previously unheard of event. Who it was? A hundred and one possibilities, but no solid leads. Will I ever know? Unlikely.

Tag and I hung out for a while yesterday and discussed everything from the history of comics to his forthcoming books to my taste in women...

I learned a new meme Sunday night, after "West Wing" (boy am I going to miss that show when it finishes its run)...at Television Without Pity (www.televisionwithoutpity.com) they made reference to the furor over the candidate's wife -Helen Santos' "Tramp stamp"...I'd never heard that meme before, so I looked it up. I knew that in the dating culture a tattoo on the small of the back was generally viewed as a sign of sexual availability...but obviously the lingo is out there, a lot more prevalent than I had thought. Interesting.

And no, I had nothing to do with that phrase's origin...look it up...an interesting (if in need of some editing) webpage I encountered even indicated that such a mark indicates the woman is a "Delta"...which is the label of the societal underclass in Huxley's "Brave New World". I know some fairly classy (in my definition) woman who have gotten one, mosty because no one explained to them what the cultural meaning is.

Adornment can be a trap. Now will someone explain to me the cultural significance of various facial piercings on a woman?


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