Thursday, January 26, 2006

History Lesson

Two words to anyone worried about what the U.S. might do in light of Hamas' surprising victory in the Palestinian elections:

Dominican Republic

I don't support the idea, but we've proven before, even in less sociopathic administrations in the past, a willingness to, in the words of Tom Lehrer, in his protest song "Send the Marines":

"Our friends must be protected, all their rights respected, until somebody whom we like can be elected."

We're all about democracy, until people don't vote the way we want them to.

"Gentlemen of the Corps all hate the thought of war, they'd rather kill them off by peaceful means."

Then, we kill them.

"Don't mention aggression, we hate that expression. We only want the world to know that we support the status quo, they love us everywhere we go..."

I don't know if this is the most corrupt Administration in history, Chester Arthur pretty much owns that title, but we have proven to be the most hypocritical and amoral in our foreign policy.

"So what do we do? We send the Marines."


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