Monday, January 23, 2006

As promised, Amomancer trivia, part one

Trivia about William F. DeVault's works, part one:

1. The most common part of a woman's body he refers to in his works is her heart, then eyes, then legs.
2. The poet's shortest work "Cassiopeia's Garden" is from the Panther Cycles and was written from the viewpoint of the daughter he and "the Panther" were planning to have one day.
3. Most of his muses have two or more "totems" in his works. Some are obvious. Some are not.
4. The entirety of "The Goldenheart Cycles" was written in two days.
5. Bragi, one of the five major totems he uses for himself, is the Norse God of Poetry and Eloquence. Bragi was married to Idun, the Goddess of Youth. He has not named a totem muse Idun, yet.
6. The only author's full name he has ever mentioned by name in his works is William Blake.
7. His most common euphemism for oral sex is "dark kiss".
8. The poet has written more than two hundred works to women he has never actually met face to face.
9. The entirety of The Compleat Panther Cycles makes up less than 6% of his entire catalog.
10. His favorite colors in his works are: Black, red, pink, crimson and solferino.
11. He has had three totem-muses named for minerals: Alabaster, Demon Tourmaline and Pink Jade. He never slept with any of them.
12. "A kiss in dreams, forbidden" is about his affair with a married woman, Brigit.
13. "Jasmine" almost always refers to the scent (or taste) of a woman's body.
14. "the pleasure at a distance" is about cybersex with the Panther.
15. "Theocricide at Mach 10e6" was written upon the death of Psyche's mother, eight years after they had parted ways.
16. "fortunate Endymion" was the sole poem written to a muse named Selene. Endymion was a shepherd whom the moon goddess, Selene, fell in love with, and so that she could be with him, the gods placed him into an eternal slumber to make him immortal. She had a hundred children with him, but he never woke to know it.
17. The line in "Icarus" - "Sail with me to Perelandra" was written before he and his first wife married and conceived their first child, a daughter they named Perelandra.
18. "All that I have said is to get you into bed" was written in the poem "tip for tap" from the perspective of a lover who admitted she had used sex to get his help.
19. The City in "from out of the city" is an abstraction, neither the City of Legends nor Los Angeles.
20. The fist poem he ever read in public was "O. Ship"...his first poem, written when he was eight years old.

I'll come post more later in the week.


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