Friday, January 06, 2006

tonight's show and my virtual will

Let's see if I am as good as my reputation...

Here it is, Friday Night, and I am gravely displeased with my show this week. Fine tuning doesn't approach the necessity. So, in the next two hours, I have to dig out the plasma fusion word sculpturing tools (patented in 2486) and build something. I have about ten minutes worth of good material...

Don't worry, edge of failure is where the ice is the thinnest, but also the most interesting.

Never did hear back from that lawyer. No idea what that means, but I don't play mushroom games. The dust from my feet.

For the longest time I said I'd leave my works to those who inspired them. In recent months I have repented this. The gift of immortality is enough for all, too much for many. The rights to all my intellectual works will as of now, pass to my children, to be administrated by my daughter until my sons reach majority.

My estate monies will be used to pay off my debts, starting with any outstanding debts to my first wife and children, then to friends and family, then to corporate creditors...don't worry, I am insured to the end of the rainbow, all will get their taste. What remains will be divided into four separate parts. One third each to each of my children (the money for the boys goes into trust funds for them, until they reach 18). The fourth part is to be used to establish a permanent arts colony in the virtual world, built upon the City of Legends. Details TBD.

I may, from time to time, as whimsy seizes me, assign particular works to particular people...but that blanket deal encouraged mediocrity and failed grace.

See, we do learn. Yes, WE (want to explain that, Psyche?).

No, I am not planning, contemplating or envisioning an early exit from this sphere. But, only a fool depends on the cards to always draw true...and I am no fool. Eventualy something critical breaks down. I figure I'm good for another 30-35 years, but why risk letting the vultures feed on the caviar?


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