Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Still in the horse latitudes

Home. Safe. Got the iTunes cranked up on Billy Idol. Ahhh. Peace.

I likes the new weights. Hulk stomp. Stomp. Stomp. Stomp.

Hmmm...whole new school of poetry, or a re-discovery of my Cro-Magnon roots?

Never did get a call back from the ex and my boys over the weekend...it seems silly that she can never find five minutes to return a call, especially when it means my sons getting to talk to me. Most annoying.

Peri and Brian are due to come East tomorrow...I won't be seeing them on this trip, but that wasn't anything I had any real input into.

I may be moving into a training slot at the new place...there is discussion...although at this point I am so focused on my writing (boy, did it languish under the former regime...something ably documented in my memoir).

Tonight the Pretendent will be nominating his first Supreme Court Justice. I hope it is a good choice, able to be approved by both sides, and he doesn't screw us over just to buy favour with his "base"...like the parents and spouses of all our war dead have been. They served ably and nobly, only to, in the end, be made into fodder for a political argument between two families that hate each other deeply (okay, we killed Saddam's sons and captured him, avenging your father's loss in the 1992 elections, can our sons and daughters come home now? Very Christian of us, right? Blessed are the peacemakers? Not under the current government.

Thank God I never went into politics.



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