Sunday, July 17, 2005

a brief word about the photos

I am illustrating some of my audio blog posts with illustrations from THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES. These are actually in the book, and are Photoshop tamperings with pictures of the book's cover model, Jillian Ann, who was kind enough to cooperate and help out with this effort (my former cover model this sphere and is probably kicking herself right now for this...) but Jillian Ann has been remarkable in her assist on this effort on short notice and I would suggest, if you are into photography, modeling or just looking at one beautiful woman (who also happens to be a rather talented techno music artist) please check out her site at

I'd also like to acknowledge to back up crew that stood on standby in case Jillian Ann was unable to assist (we had one picture of hers that was unbelievable, all prepped for the cover, but we couldn't get the rights to it from the lensman)...special thanks to Anastacia, Legs and Camille. I love this business.

Oh, here's the cover of the book, featuring Jillian Ann, one more time, before we get back to the readings. Click on the cover for the full effect.


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