Sunday, July 03, 2005

okay, next movie on my "Must See" list

I cruise the web sometimes for information on upcoming films, because I like film. I like sitting in a dark theatre, with a screen so large I have to turn my head to follow the action, and (I hope) being surrounded by people who are, like me, aware of the fact that this is not a place for distraction, but focus on a collaborative work of art. Okay, I got that a lot in Morgantown, not so much...

And I ran across, on the Apple trailer park ( the trailer for this film, "The Aristocrats" by Penn Jillette and Paul Provenza. It's a dissection of a legendarily obscene comedy routine from vaudeville, by dozens (hundreds?) of comics and comedians (there is a difference, you know), just as there is a difference between profane and obscene.

And, I'm going to go see it when it hits on August sounds like a brilliant piece of work featuring some of my favourite funny people ever...from George Carlin to Lewis Black to Larry Storch to Eddie Izzard to Robin Williams (in other words just about anyone who ever made me laugh, with the possible exception of Tim Thomerson, who still, decades after his "Freddie Prinze and Friend" performance still, in my mind, edges Robin Williams as the funniest man alive (he is still alive, isn't he?))

So, if you are in my area (Morgantown, WV) and want to go as a group to see "The Aristocrats", let me know...I think a party is in order...(hey, I got through a whole posting without mentioning my books, an ex-wife or some woman's legs...ooops, just did)


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