Thursday, July 21, 2005

bullfrogs, salivary glands and leggy blondes

This morning, after posting my morning entry, I went and got breakfast...


suddenly the whole left side of my face mushrooms up to about double its normal size

not a good thing, but there is value in everything. Several years ago I saw a friend demonstrate the exact same symptoms one day...her face blew up like a balloon (this is the friend who made up rumours about sleeping with me when she thought it would make her more attractive to a mutual friend she wanted to sleep with...instead he went running with the unsubstantiated (and ludicrous) accusation to my 7-months pregnant wife, but more about that in my memoir)...and it was diagnosed as a "blocked salivary gland".

Now, if one of my glands is going to get blocked, I guess that's one of the least worrisome, especially since I am declining food for the most part until it settles down. Diet by malfunction.

Just found out there is basically unlimited, incentivized overtime on the project I am don't have to tell me twice. Add to this my enhanced teaching schedule at MTec this fall, and I will be able to make a dent in all those lingering debts from the former regime.

Yep, that's me...the frog...I even now have the bullfrog swelling (on one side) to prove it.

The romantic frog of the internet, just waiting for his princess. Legends in waiting, apply now.


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