Sunday, July 24, 2005

Princes, Space Aliens and Lovers

"I would say something solemn, but we haven't the time." -spoken by Geoffrey Plantagent, from "The Lion In Winter"

I'd make sure more precisely of the quote, but seeing as all copies of that film I've ever owned are now in the libraries of various ex wives around the country, I can't. sigh.

Had a great meeting with Dan "Mountain Poet" McTaggart last night, getting some insight on how he views my upcoming plans, and getting to see some of his works as he preps his books. Always refreshing.

The new diet is working at a manic level...had I known this would have been as effective I would have started long ago...say twenty years (it has been noted I never had a weight problem until I Mom says that's because I quit chasing girls (a theory denied by my first ex-wife, who still insists I slept with half the East Coast, and mostly the homely ones at that...I know who and when I've been with...I can give their times in my life, their middle names, and I am unashamed of them. Not necessarily unashamed of myself, as I believe one should have one mate for life, that I have been unable to find someone sane and suitable yet is aggravation #1 in my multiverse)...the weight problem most likely derives from the amount of time I have spent unhappy over the last quarter century. It is noted that during periods of content, the pounds came off.)

I went over my plans for my next book with Tag last night, I think he approved the notion...but more on that when the time comes.

I am working as many hours as I can (those who have ever accused me of being less than a workaholic are so ignorant is isn't funny...I hate not being busy) will be nice to provide some recompense to those friends who have helped me in the past...even though little of the money was for myself, per se.

"We work while the clock, she is a-ticking!" - Lord John Whorfin, from "The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the Eighth Dimension"


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