Thursday, May 25, 2006

Sisyphus takes five

I just received, via email, the following note fromt he poet:

"I'm not doing a podcast this week, let the fanbase know. Nothing ominous or mysterious, I just wanted to spend some time with my boys this weekend, and have already allotted all sane hours to getting the CD done on schedule. Apologize, offer excuses and throw yourseflf on their tender mercies. Unless there are any incredibly hot women in the fanbase, in which case throw myself on their tender mercies."

Well, add to that the one hour show he put out last week, single handedly, and I think it is time Sisyphus nodded a bit. Damn, he may have finally hit the wall at the edge of the universe.

Until he takes a nap. Damn. I hate him. But respectfully.


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