Monday, May 29, 2006

is defiance the key component in creativity?


the essence of all competent art. the core emotion behind the palette of the creative artist. I understand that, I think.

now, to explain. that will be the tough part.

the dictionary defines defiance as:

noun open resistence, bold disobedience.

Middle English (denoting the renunciation of an allegiance or friendship), from the Old French defier (to defy)

Mainstream artists seek to defy the forces that would keep them in check as individuals, whether social or financial. Avant garde artists seek to defy social and artistic conventions.

It is a polarity issue, like magnets that, when their poles are similar, actually repel each other. An energy field builds up along the meeting of their fields, and the result is...


Of course, ten minutes from now I'll say this is rubbish, but in the moment...


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