Friday, May 12, 2006

just warming up

It's Friday...time for my "It's Friday" dance.

The podcast should be up later today...relax, I know I have been slow these last few weeks...I'm working on it. You be the one man band I am compelled to be and always meet your deadlines.

Somebody asked me the other day what the best thing was about being 50. Yeah, that's right, I am 50 (I pass for mid-thirties, thank you DNA). I said that I stopped thinking about growing older so much. It's true. I look back on my life and see where I have sired three incredible heirs, each remarkable in their own right. I've known the love of a handful of truly lovely people and the admiration and respect of readers and audiences. I've written a mountain of legacy works. I've published eight books. I've made over a million dollars. I've been to New York, New Orleans and Los Angeles.

All in all, if I died tonight, I would only regret leaving things undone. I've already had an absurdly successful life.

That having been said...get out da way. I'm just warming up.


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