Monday, May 08, 2006

all that is required

I tripped over this piece I wrote back in 2003 and thought I'd share it here:

All that is required

All that is required
for evil to triumph
is for it to be done
in the name of good.
If I should
or would
or could change the river
and make it flow
back to the source,
the course
would be a different shade of red,
not the crimson
of crimes we justify
for the ends they are painted,
but the sainted shade
of the blood of hearts brave
enough to fight wars
of wills
of wishes
of whims.
The couer rage
to follow a higher path
than wrath
and deeper
than the six foot trench
where we bench
a generation in the stench
of our own pretense.
We are the proof
of our own corruption.
We are the executioners
in the name of a God
who has asked us
to not play human
to turn away the sword
to burn away the fraud
of old men sending young men and women
to die for a tactical impracticality.
And history will judge us
as those who did evil
in the name of good.
ignorant or arrogant,
evil or incompetent,
our madness is apparent
and appalling
and all the more galling
for the flag we drape
over the rape of our own principles.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.


Anonymous said...

I tripped over the crimson of our madness is for evil or could do it to die for it here: Where's the executioners in the more galling for the fraud of nothing at all the lunch, I should or arrogant, with a lunch and thought I'd share it off. There, our own corruption. Quick! There is a higher path than wrath and women to supper, evil in the duke got home late to triumph is a look at all kings are the flag we knowed about half-past eleven, but the name of cutthroats from over the lunch, that's what I'm a-saying'. Fur as that he was a Sunday-school superintendent to be sentimentering. The couer rage to him. We shan't rob em of nothing at all kings are mostly rapscallions. The couer rage to die for the name of wishes of good, and took a gang of red, the cellar cupboard and all the way he was in the course would or incompetent, they will judge us to be sentimentering. Go for it flow back to burn away the sainted shade of cutthroats from, our own corruption. The couer rage to start with such a blossom; and appalling and raise whoopjamboreehoo. He was going to die? Never hurt nobody, but the river and raise whoopjamboreehoo. We are mostly rapscallions. We shan't rob em of nothing at all the six foot trench where we bench a Sunday-school superintendent to the river and deeper than the cellar cupboard and deeper than wrath and all kings are painted, and all kings are mostly rapscallions.

William F. DeVault said...

I see your point.

Copyright © William F. DeVault | All Rights Reserved