Friday, May 19, 2006

my high points in "The Last Romantic Verb"

I was raving about the new CD and da boss asked me what my favorite part of it is. I had no problem finding that. Although I love the whole thing, there are two moments that really stick in my mind.

Forty four minutes and zero seconds in, the poem "shards of light" ends and the musical arc to "Radiant Tigers" begins, ending when he welcomes you to the "world of radiant tigers". What are "radiant tigers"? I have my own pet theory, I think that's his totem for his children. But, in that arc, we hear a guitar driven malevolence give way to a pulsing, living drumset, then a sole, pounding bass drum, then finally the explosion of keyboard-driven life that takes us to that land. It is dazzling. (44:00-45:36)

Barely a minute to go in the CD when he mouths, in the text of the poem "TRANSCENDENCE' the CD's titular line (57:57):

"...the last romantic verb." Breath-taking.

Now if he can just make up his mind on the liner notes...sheesh.


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