Sunday, May 21, 2006

evolution versus global warming

It's funny, in a tragic way. I encountered a fellow the other day with an attitude that was so dichotomous towards science, it was hypocritical.

He believes in evolution, but not global warming. Of course, this is the same guy who believes that Jesus' healing miracles were actually side effects of hemp oil Jesus made from his hemp farm to cure psoriasis, which had been misdiagnosed as leprosy.

Ever see leprosy? Hard to misdiagnose psoriasis as it.

And Jesus was a carpenter, not a hemp farmer...but people believe what they choose to believe and what supports their world view (I imagine he got this story from the pages of "High Times"...a magazine not famous for its high journalistic standards).

in any case, I head him blast the creationist "crazies" the other day. Now, I am a strong supporter of evolutionary theory, but I also think that my Christian faith is not dependent on the mechanism God used to make life viable. To quote Devo: "God made man, but he used a monkey to do it".

But then he started a rant on global warming, claiming it was an alarmist plot of pseudo-scientists, accomplish something? Agenda is a big issue in the science versus faith debate, always. Police investigators tell you to look for motive in a crime, I think looking at the motive in a political debate is essential. Besides, why is the scientific method an acceptable proof when it is what you want to be true, but not acceptable when you don't want it to be true?

If those who believe that Global Warming is real are right, we may already be too late, but we can try and save the planet, or at least modern civilization and millions of lives in coming generations, including our children and grandchildren. If they are wrong, we have just made the planet a little cleaner and healthier and got ourselves worked up over nothing but a good Spring Cleaning, but there were still some nice side effects. Sort of like getting frightened over a branch scraping against the window and finally installing an alarm system.

If those who choose not to believe in Global Warming are correct, all we are doing is cleaning up the air, and reducing the toxins in our water and soil, while cutting our dependence on foreign oil, which is, in truth, the driving force behind the last two wars we've asked our sons and daughters to fight. If they are wrong, they are putting oil company and corporate greed ahead of the health, safety and survival of our children.

Pascal's Wager, almost. And some questionable motives on one side. Believing in, acting on, Global Warming loses us little and gains us a lot. Failing to act has, as its best consequence, nothing. As its worst? Famine, flood, the extinction of many species, including possibly our own.

Oh yeah, and God said something about stewardship. So, even if you are NOT an evolutionist, believing in and acting on Global Warming is essential to your mission and faith.

Game, set, match...Global Warming "crazies". And, just maybe, our children.


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