Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Be patient with the Dominion Post

Last week the CRM at the local Barnes and Noble expressed to me a bit of annoyance that David Selby's visit to her store this past Thursday received no media mention.

This morning's Dominion Post, the sole local newspaper for Morgantown, ran an article promoting his appearance...tomorrow. They got the day of the week right, Thursday.

Problem is, he was here last Thursday. A week late, and I do feel sorry for those who show up tomorrow night, expecting to meet this remarkable hyphenate (actor/author). I was there, we spoke, he signed my copy of the AEI's "Art&Soul" and we exchanged autographed copies of our books (I gave him THE MORGANTOWN SUITE POEMS, he gave me MY MOTHER'S AUTUMN).

See, Chanda, they aren't ignoring you...they're just a bit behind schedule, with front page speculations designed to taint jury pools, and in deoth discussion on upcoming sports seasons, four months away. I know from experience you just have to be patient with only took me what, a year, to get permission to use their old photo of me for the cover of my one book...

Be patient.

(Of course, if it turns out you didn't tell them which Thursday he was going to be here when you sent them the press release, I will never let you live it down).


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