Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Lost in an H-Moebius Loop

It is 11:30 at night and I am not tired. Disastrous for someone who needs must rise at about 4:30...maybe Letterman will help (laughter relaxes me, something that some people who claim to have been close to me seem to have missed...)

Flipped between American Idol and LOST. Taylor won (let's here it for the strange grey-haired guys of the world)...but Kat got to sing a duet with Meatloaf. So, she wins, in my book. The visit by Prince was not typical for the Master, but he did it for his own reasons and I liked seeing him.

LOST. It will be a few months before we get our heads back on. Walt will not accept the notion that his Dad killed people and may have sent other people to their deaths just to free him. He'll make his Dad turn back. What do the Others want with the three they kept? Wish I knew. But since they basically kept the only real sexual dynamic left on the island, maybe breeding stock? (laughing) They don't get TV so maybe they want to see Jack and Sawyer fight over Kate?

And is Eko and/or Locke lost to us? Desmond, even? The blast was not what was it? And will there be an aftermath? Oh, and Charlie got a kiss from Claire. Lucky bastard.

And what about Naomi?

I'm going to go watch Letterman and work on the CD until my eyes fall out.


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