Monday, October 17, 2005

The WayBack Machine at the Internet Archives

I'm aggravated.

I've been trying to synch up my account with my Internet Archive account so I can set up the storage for the podcasts...individually, they work fine, and I've filed the same ID and password with both...but whenever I try to connect directly with the archive, I get an error message. When I try to connect through OurMedia to the archive, I get an error message, both insisting that I have my login wrong. I've four or five times used their "forgotten password?" link to send myself my password, but nothing ever arrives in my email.


If anyone else has encountered these problems, let me know, give me a clue, throw me a bone...the website does not provide, per se, a means of help, except forums, which can be a difficult sift.

On the other hand, it was fascinating to go back in time through dozens of manifestations of the City of Legends, all the way back to 1999, and see how the site has evolved. Check out the visual history of your favorite site at, then use the WayBack Machine.


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