Saturday, October 29, 2005

Promoted or shot?

There's a line in the book "Don Quixote, USA" where the South American dictator, having been given a clever idea by his aide tells him that he is very clever, which means he either has to promote him or have him shot.

Sometimes I feel that way about E.J.

Not that I was truly offended by his little psycho-historical analysis of me and my life, I just am not one to wallow in my own doubts. I don't own a gun, and there are no openings above 2nd in command, so I'll have to just keep my peace and let it be at that.

Just heard from Tag last night...their power was taken out by the snowstorm and they just got power back yesterday. Quite the mess...not on the magnitude of what Hurricane Wilma did to Florida, and Wilma was nothing compared to the destruction wrought by Katrina on my friends and family (yes, God help me, I still think of them as family) in Southern Mississippi, but inconvenience is still inconvenience and the old "count your blessings" trick doesn't work very well with our self-involved culture.

One interesting sidelight of the storm seems to be that my WiFi has not worked right since them, rendering blogging difficult. Count YOUR blessings, you don't have to listen to my self-involved rambings as much.

Homework hint for the week? Do a report on the rise of Podcasting. Talk about the origins of it in the iPod subculture, bring in a recording to play. I would suggest one of the samples from my own Radio City of Legends, launching on Monday/Tuesday...but samples are avaialble through various links on this blog. Talk about how Podcasting is adding another dimension to the Digital Renaissance.

If you need a visual, I'll be posting the dead air version of my podcasting page this weekend, and if you email me, looking for the live version of it, I might give you the top secret location where I am hiding the real thing.

Thinking about re-integrating socially...E.J. (when I listen to him) suggests a ritualized plan where I go out on at least one date a week. Interesting notion, never tried something like that. Having usually gone from one intense, fire-in-the-sky relationship to another, the notion of casual dating is fairly new (I've tried it once or twice, with limited success...)

We shall see. I do need a date for Peri's wedding next fall.


Dusty said...

I prefer the term "Output failure." I think I am a procrastinator because I need pressure, such as E.J., to motivate me. True story, last art show, I needed 25 pieces to be done in 6 months. Easy right? The week they were coming to pick up the work, I finished up most of the work. Why? Because I had painted three, maybe four before the gun was aimed at my cranium. I finished it all and was a mild success. Enough so to require a second showing.

Poor dear, you are a serial monogamist. --- Snap out of it. You have to get your shit together before you even think of inviting another person into your life. You will dig the hole a little deeper then… You won’t remember how to get out. Work on you, others come and go.

Dusty said...

BTW, I enjoyed "In the Garden" the echo machine must have been fun to play with.

William F. DeVault said...

I prefere the term "romantic" to "serial monogamist"...the latter sounds like I should be profile don Court TV.

I have my shit together...but I also believe shit functions more smoothly with a focus, an anchor, a muse...everyone relies on them, be they a political label, a woman or a stuffed giraffe, I just happen to acknowledge mine.

Yeah, deadline pressure motivates me...otherwise I am all over the map (that's probably one of the reasons I like is bring everything to bear on one person for a few hours at a time (never believed in the concept of the quickie)) and it is very strengthening, emotionally.

In The Garden was fun...I'm still experimenting with sound manipulation...

Dusty said...

Sorry, fell into that evil female trap, giving unsolicited advise!

Muses, Frost had trees, Catullus had his critics (16 is worth learning Latin) but Neruda would agree with you.

Focusing, for me, seems to be the decision making process. I have to decide to do SOMETHING. I am distracted too easily by people. There are so may differing ideas, so much to learn and experience. (I guess that is why I usually stick to painting portraits.)

Sex is always the easy part. It is dreaming in color while being awake. A world of noiseless static and electric sparkles that ignite the air. But once it is over, you still have to go back to work!

I am at that place as we speak. I need to start producing something. I am listless, impassive, incurious and my easel is pressed flat against the wall. I love the people I paint. They are liquid beauty but I have to find something new to keep the interest of others as well as myself.

Maybe you are right, it is time to find a muse.

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