Saturday, October 15, 2005

Blue Collar Poetry, Podcasting and 1st Cousins (Once removed)

Had a good session with Tag yesterday evening, we discussed many things, particularly the Podcasting. He's revving up for it. This is good, as he brings a different flavour to the mix: His blue-collar, concrete imagery appeals to an entirely different audience than I do, or Mari Laureano does, or Dave Taub does. Diversity in any artistic venture is a good thing.

He asked about will the "station" make money.
a) It doesn't need to if all we use is elbow grease, and
b) it is its own sponsor. in theory, every program is, in its own way, an advertisement, for us, for our books, for our websites, fr our personal appearances. I asked him if he's ever seen a commercial during an infomercial. He got it. (of course, if anyone wants to sponsor broadcasts, I won't complain...I can give them some inserts in the shows and some consideration on the page)

Got to see Chilton's family yesterday, as they passed through on their way to scatter his ashes. I hadn't seen Jennifer in a while. I'd never met Chris, before. Jesse, the baby of the family) is always a good conversation - he's Senior Legislative Assistant for Congressman Jim McDermott, the Democratic Representative (as in House of Representatives) of Seattle, Washington. Makes for fun, as my Mom is just to the right of Pat Buchanan and loves to discuss (if that's the word for it) politics.

I have a curious weekend ahead of me...which is just fine, by my measurements

With "Poetry Now" folding, I am considering running Dave Taub's article about me on my site or blog, just because I like it...


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