Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Mystery Women on Yahoo Messenger

Well, they predicted at least one more major storm of this hurricane season, and it looks like "they" were right...Wilma leapt from category 2 to category 5 in a matter of hours, and is steaming for Florida...and of course, there is even a chance it will get to the Gulf of Mexico and do one more encore of "Do You Know What It Means to Miss New Orleans?"

My thoughts and prayers are with those poor people in Fred's wife's path. Not sure this is what they wanted to do in meeting the Flintstones. Yabba Dabba Dooo get out of town.

Making some "minor" changes to the site tonight, the last before the launch of the podcasts in less than two weeks. I'm adding a single serving broadcast of just my poem "The Unicorns" to the previews later today, as well.

Checked my Yahoo Messenger last night and there were a couple of "while you were out" notes from someone I have no recollection of...and I have a raging curiosity. So, I responded...haven't heard back since, but maybe she hasn't got the messages yet. This will drive me nuts (a short trip, to ne sure)...anyone else wanting to connect with me online and make me insane, I tend to avoid AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) as so many people cyber-mug me over there and there is no "invisible" mode, my Yahoo identity is "the_real_wfdv"'s a long story...

Back to the grind...a poet's work is never done. Still missing Peri, daily.


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