Sunday, October 09, 2005

Integrity is worth more than Eighty Five Cents

Had a nice chat with my friend Anastacia earlier this evening...she's a really nice person who has the capacity to amuse me, no matter what is going on.

We talked about relationships, and what would/should/could be down the road for me (actually, she called originally to question me about a revelation in my newsletter that had made her curious) was very therapeutic.

I also vented about some work related's funny, I sometimes feel like Neil Patrick Harris' character in "Doogie Howser, M.D." in the one episode where he is challenged by his friend, Vinnie, to try to work at a burger joint. I'm doing a menial job, surrounded by people I'm used to having work for me, making about 12% of my usual salary (thanks for the "robust economy", Mr. President)...and finding it is sometimes challenging to do it.

The worst part is the compromises. Everyone, and I mean everyone, knows how to subvert the QA metrics they use to justify themselves to the client and to get raises...I've been approached, repeatedly, by both peers and supervisors, telling me how to do it...but I'm not really budging on the topic. I'd rather forego an eighty-five cent an hour raise than trade my integrity for it. If they end up letting me go because I don't cheat, then I can live has happened before. Don't ask a Quaker to lie, dummy.

The next three questions I get sent at I will answer here, in the blog, regardless of their content or complexity, to the best of my knowledge and ability. I feel like speaking straight.


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