Friday, October 14, 2005

Notes while pre-prepping podcasts

I hate having to make decisions about what writings to feature first when we go "on the air" on Novemeber 1.

I hate the sound of my own voice...doesn't everyone?

There are some works, like "I should have been immortal", that I can think of a dozen different ways to read, each carrying their own meaning. Which one to use? Why?

Did I mention that during the recording sessions with Alan I stumbled a couple of times? In "Love Gods of a Forgotten Religion" I mispronounced "tableau" at "tab-loo" which I know better than...and in "Cithara song, stummed lightly as the sun leaps the horizon" I fumbled the word "arrogant"in the line "barefoot and arrogant, like a poet" so it comes out sounding like a cross between "ignorant" and "arrogant"...Freudian slip, anyone?

Counting down...


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