Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Podcasts and kids from Krypton and Melnibone

Pocast sessions: T-minus 5 days, 6 hours, five minutes and counting...

I have been getting some suggestions as to specific poems to feature in the podcast sessions I'll be working starting on Monday.

Top Votegetters:

-Equinox (good call!)
-Sex Cookies (remarkably popular)
-The Patchwork Skirt of My Love (not unexpected)
-TRIUMPH (the problem is how to do this one without seeming arch)
-Love Gods of a Forgotten Religion (okay, I can do that...but it will take a few takes before I am happy with it)
-I rained poetry (did anyone think I wasn't going to do this piece?)
-First Date Blues (I am to be haunted by this one, eh?)
-Soubrette (A good piece for the Seductions track...)
-From Out of the City (Good, I want to build off of this one's prophetic tone...)

And no, I am NOT going to do a full reading of "The Compleat Panther Cycles" has been estimated that such a recording would span 9 hours...just imagine the studio time it would take to make!

The recordings will be made at Studio "A" in Morgantown, West Virginia, under my own personal George Martin, Alan MacDonald (I had to throw The Beatles reference in there, Alan is an authority on the Fab Four and was even once profiled as "the Fifth Beatle" for his knowledge of their works and his personal connection with members of that legendary group). Alan will be engineering and playing devil's advocate (please, no cowbell) and I am delighted to have him aboard...who knows, I might even ask him to teach me to play guitar so I can "pull a Dylan" (Bob Dylan was a club poet before he realized that more people listened if you put the words to music).

Excited? No. I tend to go flat just before such steps, as I think there is a natural manic-suppressive governor in the back of my head (yes, I said manic-SUPPRESSIVE, it's called a play on words). I figure the first hour in the studio will be me taking care of business, before I "bring it"...

By the way, as to Nicolas Cage and his wife naming their son "Kal-El"...if I can name a child Elric, he can name a son Kal-El.



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