Monday, October 24, 2005

Autumn rains and a fantasy dinner party

It's 36 degrees here...cold. Not North Dakota in February cold, but cold. Add to that a persistent drizzle and it is just unpleasant.

Still delighted I got such a good weekend with my boys.

Heard from a few more contributors for the forthcoming launch of the 'pod. Very exciting now.

Someone dropped me the old "dinner party" are having a dinner party and whoever you ask will attend. Who would you want to have there?

Actually, if you over-analyze things as I do...tough question...but I'll do a kneejerk reaction...

Bill and Hillary Clinton. Whether she chooses to run in 2008 (and wins) they are still two very impressive people I would love to have a conversation with sometime.

8 to go.

Going to have to make this boy/girl to keep the gender balance...which means I get to pick a date...that gets complicated...I'll piss off someone no matter whom I pick.

Okay...8 guest (and a date) to go.

My friend Lenny Berg, and his wife, Karen...he's an actor, she's a schoolteacher, and they are bright and unremittingly decent. I would love to have them there.

My daughter, Peri, and her fiance, Brian. No explanation needed.

Okay, 4 guests to go...don't make a mistake...

Aaron Sorkin, writer for "The West Wing"...he has a gift for dialogue I've rarely seen and an insight into the political mind. Whether or not you like politics, you have to accept the fact that the political minset controls so many elements of our lives.

Chuck Palahniuk, who wrote "Fight Club"...just to get inside that brain. What a genius.

Dame Judi Dench. The intellect behind those eyes. The talent. And the stories I bet she'd have.

Debrorah Atherton, the lady who wrote the lyrics for the Mary Shelley Opera. It has been years since I last saw her and I have great and grave respect for her talents.

Now, for a date...I could go with the obvious and choose some Hollywood glamour queen, but that's too easy (and, usually, so are they...<---best Groucho Marx impression) But it would have to be someone I know, someone I know could run with the bulls, think quickly and fill in the gaps of the conversation, all the while able to make me feel like I deserved to be in such august company...


My first wife, Jan, is quite bright...but she has gone on record as comparing me with the Anti-Christ, so maybe that would be too risky a proposition. My second wife, Beautiful and bright, but not a heavy-hitter and a little to prone to cave under pressure. Besides...I'd have to keep my eye on her rather than enjoy the evening.

As long as the party was well-removed from public eye, I'd choose Brigit, my fiery totem muse from just before my second marriage. She's quick on her feet, intellectually, undeniably attractive and I know she can take care of herself...

But, since it woud be undoubtably a public thing...I'll get back to you, I have time...the Clinton's haven't RSVP'd yet.

And, you should see the list of those I'd want to invite, but with only 11 seats and my daughter and son-in-law, as well as my friend and his wife, taking up 36% of the furniture - people like Robin Williams, Barbara Boxer, Nelson Mandela, Jon Stewart, Angela Bassett and several old friends I wouldn't name here without their permission, they just have to wait for a polite decline to get in.

Hey, you have to draw the line someplace.


concerned citizen said...

Caught your comment at Frida's short story site. I had to say Howdy! when I saw on your profile that you like 'Bullfinches Mythology' & 'The Screwtape Letters'. i still read 'Bullfinches' a great read and reference book. I read C.S. Lewis a lot when I was Religious, Still like him, tho.
The who you'd invite to dinner Ques. has been around a long time, huh?
We are having a Pig Roast sunday (hillbilly style). I get to invite some people I like and some relatives. If any famous people show up they have to follow the same rules:
Beer & wine, no whiskey.
Don't hang around the fire pit if you're drunk
You can smoke pot but, only if someone at the party has a marawana card. (in case the cops comes then all pot belongs to the person w/ the card)
You know, the usual rules.
I have a myth ology ques. I've been trying to get answered for some time, maybe you can help:
There is a character in mythology(I can't remember if it's greek or Roman) who was punished by the gods (they are a jealous bunch):
He or she (i think he) was given the key to all knowledge but was cursed in that no one would believe him. Do you know who that is? It's really bugging me. I think Maybe i read it ih 'Bullfinches' but can't find it. My 'Bullfinches is a 50's version from a cheap book of the month club. No decent index. Post an answer on my site, please or I'll just come back here and see if you came up w/anything.

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