Snow and...Andy Williams?
I'll post some photos later...we have about 5 inches of snow on the ground. It is right now being seasoned by a misty rain-sleet combo.
In other news...I am of a surly mood towards a certain person, a mood like unto someone who can't understand why the dog doesn't understand the difference between outside and the middle of the kitchen tile.
Do I have to get unpleasant?
The singer, Andy Williams, used to tell a tale of coming home one day to find a family of tourists in his backyard pool, having located his house on a map and invited themselves for a swim. He angrily ordered them out, to which the father of the family replied "Gee, you're not as nice of a guy as you seem on TV".
My Spanish is poor, not even marginal. I speak Spanish with one person, who is teaching me some more, at my request. Certainly the use of an online translation page is marginal, they lack the conversational nuance of a native speaker.
Anyone else using Spanish on this site is either: a) A Spanish speaking individual who does not speak English but is desperately trying to communicate, b) Someone who feels they need to be a party to my private conversations for my own good, or c) A counterfeit. (a) or (b) are most likely when the person signs a name, not wishing to present themelves as some ominous, anonymous threat. (c) is the reason I can say with some certainty that, barring a promise of personal protection of my privacy, an entire region of this country can do without any possibility of my presence during the tour this year.
Dear Mr. DeVault,
I'd love to see the snow photos. I hope it is a Winter Wonderland, and someone near you has a sleigh, with bells and a white horse. The dog might even enjoy a sleigh ride!
About the other, I sure hope you don't have to get unpleasant! It would be a waste of your valuable time and energy.
Have you considered the poster that caused a surly mood mightened have been an Accidental Tourist? Or even an english speaking individual trying desperately to communicate in Spanish with the benign intention of pleasing you?
I'm not sure which post or posts to which you refer, but I haven't read anything that sounded ominous. Of course, you would know better than I, being a gentle reader, and I tend to see things through rose coloured glasses. I don't allow comments on my blogs because I write only for myself. I'm very new. I think you are brave (and generous) to open your thoughts and poetry up to potentially kneejerk anonymous comments. That sort of thing would drive me crazy.
Please remember that everyone does not express himself or herself as well as you.
Hoping all of your sweet dreams come true, and any nightmares stay far away. You should trust your instincts and gut, of course.
When you take a break from writing, maybe you'd like to enjoy the snow. I'd make a snow Angel or innovative snowman if possible, always so much fun.
Enjoying your posts very much,
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