Friday, January 05, 2007

my tribe and bloodline

I never knew an instinctive writer who benefitted from writing less.

People who have the wiring to write, to express themselves verbally on the page, do this as a means not only to communicate with others but also to release elements within themselves. When they don't do it enough, they become overwhelmed by their emotions, their thoughts. Think of it like a sexual being choosing not to express themselves sexually for weeks, months, even years.

Not a healthy thing.

I know too many people who have the inclination and the talent who don't write as often as they should. It is important for good mental health for these people. It is a coping mechanism that not only can help you control your inner demons, but also help others to understand their own.

The legendary dancer George Balanchine once said "I don't want people who want to dance; I want people who have to dance."

I am that way about my proteges. I respect people who only dabble in creative efforts, but those who are consumed with it, who become an extension of their art, an acolyte in the temples of creativity...those are the people of my tribe and bloodline. The hunter-gatherers of the soul and of the human condition.


Anonymous said...

Your writing here today has been an epiphany for me!.......How do you have the power to pull these words from out of my thoughts and place them on the page with such eloquence and description? Call it coencidence or call it seeking a similar spirit....words and people guide us on the paths that we are meant to lead. We just have to recognize the value and insight that they present. Another day of my life inspired by the great writer and poet....William Devault. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Less eloquent than the previous response, I'm pressed for time,

People with a passion for living, or writing or art or SOMETHING
make the world go around.

I'm thrilled to be standing on this earth this morning, observing the sky. Thinking.

~A devoted reader

Anonymous said...

Good night, Good knight.
It has been a long day. I'm off to dream about what you may post tomorrow.
What. a. day. Thanks for your daily inspiration. You are one amazing man. Wow. I know you are our there somewhere, inspiring hope and beautiy. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

Believe it or not, dancer and all, I have NEVER seen All That Jazz. Tell us all about it.

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