Subliminal advertising
Okay, sorry if I seem a bit detached, just trying to get all my ducks in a row for THURSDAY NIGHT's shindig. Tag says I should engage in subliminal messages in the blog in order to persuade as many people as possible to ATTEND AND BUY MY BOOKS AND CDS, but I think that would be wrong.
If you have a chance and are in the neighborhood, it will be DECEMBER 14 FROM 6-10PM at THE BOOK AND BEAN in FAIRMONT, WV. YOU really should, if you ARE in the area. I understand that Tag will be unveiling A whole new aspect to his performances and I plan to take it cLOSER to the heart than I have in some time. IF YOU can make it, we'll see you. DON'T worry if you are a few minutes late, ATTENDance for every minute is not mandatory.
This may be your only chance to readily get copies of my most recent CDs and books, as well as Tag's books, before the holidays.
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