Saturday, December 16, 2006

Saturday, December 16

I got sucked into a practical joke yesterday. It actually was fun. I can't tell you what it was, but I can tell you the principals were Jaz and her friend, K.

Part of me felt bad because I had to play a role for a little bit, and you all know how I feel about deception. And, I suppose, on a philosophical level, the jest was distasteful. But, it was fun and afterwards everyone seemed to enjoy it, even the victim, who has sworn to get even, I imagine.

I'm off today to visit my boys. It looks like good weather and smooth sailing. I should be back this evening.

Stay out of trouble and be excellent to one another.

And Jaz? Thanks for the new picture (smirk).

Oh, and to those who thought my placement of the launch of the new book RONIN in the TEMPLE OF THE APHRODITE on December 14th, the Festival of the 47 Ronin, meant I was going to commit suicide? Duh. grow up. Too much life left in me to throw it all away on memories of a faithless lover.

This glass samurai has some glass roses up his sleeve, yet.


Anonymous said...

You know that you guys only had me for a minute. At most.


Anonymous said...

THEY had you for a minute? And here I thought the Amomancer had sworn never to engage in a threesome!

And for just A MINUTE? I have heard legends of his sexual stamina. Are you sure that was him?

Anonymous said...

Yes, I'm sure it was him... actually, it was less than a minute....

Anonymous said...

Wow, you must be lousy in bed.

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