Life is a cup of hot jasmin tea
I was asked for input into what would be the final poem of the year (and the 97th post) in the Amomancer blog, and assented to the choice of my 2005 work "Perhaps there are yet panthers". Despite my disappointment in the woman who inspired the works that are practically synonymous with my reputation, the Panther Cycles, I respect that poem. It speaks to who I am, having come at a time of great disillusionment, but expressing the hope that there should be someone out there for everyone, including me.
Yeah, I mean you Jaz. Having garnered your sister's vote, do you think I will call it a day and retire my suit? Ha!
Yesterday I was asked who my favourite muse of all time was for my works. An unfair question. But one I felt like answering for the person who asked it, so I did. I think she was mildly shocked at who I named (Who was it? I don't have to answer that for you...but I will give you a clue, she was quite tall). She was further surprised when I was asked how many muses I've had and I told her that there have been but three significant ones, despite E.J.'s insistence upon there having been like 8 major muses and a dozen minor ones. A single poem, a single stone, does not a temple of Aphrodite make. I have not been as promiscuous with my flesh or my heart as those who would benefit from thinking so would tell you.
In a perfect world, a perfect world, I would have married my first real love, Psyche, and that would have ended the path, she was beautiful, wise and brilliant. A great kisser (that's important, you know), an earnest lover, intellectually passionate and of a sharp humour, she inspired some of my most elemental and enduring works. Without her I would never have become the poet, or the man, for good or for bad, that I am. I owe her infinite thanks. I measure all the women I have been inspired by against her, and most are found sadly lacking. No, it wasn't her, but I wanted to state that, right here and now.
The New Year is upon us, and it is a time for sober reflection, introspection and mid-course correction.
The hell it is.
I want 110% power on all engines. Next time you see a comet in the night, passing Earth and waving hello as it fills the eye and sky with wonders, that'll be me.
This is my moment of inertia.
Thanks to Jaz, Sarah, Peri, Elric, Dante, Brian, Jan, the guys in the band, Alan, Stephanie, Maggie, Jennifer, Robert, Tag, Chanda, Kristin, E.J., Nancy, Karla and everyone I am forgetting but will remember later.
One hell of a year, the bar has been set a bit higher for next year. And I'm already taking my running start.
Nicely said...I do note, however, you have yet to use the "L" word (no, not lesbian). You seem to be going out of your way to avoid injecting any direct talk of the word "love" here.
You do and say everything else that would go with that confession. Has that word become so terrifying that even the "bravest man alive" daren't speak it, like some emotional equivalent of the "n" word?
Are you taking your deep-dip baptism but refusing to give the name of your faith (not just the human form, but the spiritual connection)? If so, it is fascinating to watch, I have never seen you so broken, like you are at war with yourself.
Tell her that you love her, man. She already knows, she wants to hear it. Everyone does.
The world waits the return of our passionate king.
The "king" is not "the fool" my friend. I follow my heart, not the crowd's cheers. When and if it is true, proper and purposeful I will utter that word, more likely as a breathy whisper on a warm cheek than sterile letters on a digital billboard.
The lady deserves better, and so do I.
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