The Return of the Virtuazzi
So, the virtuazzi are back (virtual paparazzi), seeking the identity of Jaz, hm? I have received numerous requests in the last few days for more information, we may be on the verge of a hunt not dissimilar to the classic "Hunt for the Panther" a decade ago.
I even have two interview requests under consideration, how's that for aggressive? I have to tell you, though, without direct permission from the lady herself, I will say and do nothing outside of existing comments and my poetry. It would be wrong to put her in an awkward position. I remember when the Panther gave an interview, then decided she didn't look very nice in it...she got very bent out of shape and came screaming to me to "fix it".
Sorry, I don't "fix" the truth (check my memoir after I die for evidence of that attitude), but I did take the link to the interview down off of my site. I don't believe in rewriting history, no matter how embarrassing, damning or complicated it may be.
So Jaz can catch her breath, see what she wants to do. I can be a bit of the human tidal wave. Who knows? Maybe for her this "relationship" is just a playful flirtation and subjecting her to closer scrutiny would invade her privacy and tick off her real-world friends/family/relationships? I would hope not, but I have been played a fool too often by my own open heart to not consider "evidence of thorns". (A quote from my poem " waiting for the pentecost".)
So, cool your jets. Maybe the curious will get a Christmas present. Maybe I will. Maybe I'll tell, just a bit...but only by permission.
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