Saturday, December 09, 2006

Inquiring Minds, part 2

I had to post this note, once I got permission.

This is from Pam Fries, a friend I've known since Junior High, who encouraged me to put out "The Naked Reads" (and she says her husband wants to thank me for the side effects of listening ot it...I am gratified. Perhaps not as well as he is, but...what can you do?), and I dedicated that CD to her. She has joined the Jaz-teria and wants to know's her note, unretouched:

Thank you for the dedication! Of course, I have already played Naked Reads 4-5 times..and I must say I had a wonderful idea. The Nemicorn is great also, but what I really want to know is...I believe you know what info I want.
So, is this reciprocal, physical yet, tell me all!
Oh, I know you don't tell ALL, but a smidge would be nice. And must you hide identities still? Since, everyone knows who YOU are, Great Poet and all, is the sweet lady to remain hidden?
Awaiting word, Pam"

Pam, thanks for the fabulous note, and letting me post it. We shall see, there are reasons behind the obscurities. It preserves her (Jaz's) right to distance herself from the works. It protects her identity from my more ardent fans (we already have had people trying to portray themselves as her, what next?). It lets her see just how benign and positive most people's reactions are while still evaluating whether or not she wants to take me seriously as a suitor.

Vampire etiquette, remember. Oh, and occasionally Pam signs her comments and notes "Rondalaire". It's an old joke between friends.


Anonymous said...

With all of the interesting identity issues, is it possible Jaz isn't one hundred percent certain she is the one and only Jaz? Was she ever told she was the one and only Jaz in person?


William F. DeVault said...

No confusion here. Jaz knows who she is, she has been consulted heavily on her identity, she picked her totem-name herself, as nearly all my muses do. We've known each other, casually, for several years.

Anonymous said...

The suspense is killing me!!!


William F. DeVault said...

Who is "K"? What? A new player? Nooooooooooo! Is that you, Red? You're just trying to make me are enjoying this way, way too much.

Anonymous said...

Bill.. this is the real Jaz how can I prove it?

William F. DeVault said...

Jaz, I can read your are validated. Besides, K says you just left her a message, too.

Anonymous said...

Bill... it seems I can never win here... this proves there are 100's of Jazz's out there..

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

You sound like a good friend and a loyal wingman. He's lucky to have a friend like you.


William F. DeVault said...

Jaz, you were very tired last night (K told me). In regards to what you said to her: Yes, you are the one and only Jaz, I accept no substitutes.

One of the perks of being the Amomancer, I am allowed my own heart.

And, yes, Tag is a great wingman.


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