Monday, November 13, 2006


Well, this has been a day. Early orders for NEMICORN exceeded my most ambitious expectations.

I am, in a word, delighted. Advance orders for THE NAKED READS were nearly as robust.

And the response to last night's podcast, especially the rocked out rendition of "How Would You Have Me Touch You?" was feverish.

As Mao Tse Tung said "There is great disorder under heaven and the situation is excellent". Chaos is my friend, my lover and my brother. Nancy (Psyche) was right about me, more than she wanted to believe. I am at my best when the world explodes around me, as I have talents best suited to that environment. God has a sense of humour, to create in mortals the conflicts of nature and nurture, of passion and the priest, of nurturer and dreadnought. I am smiling, the grim lipped smile of knowing, or at least imagining, the outcome.


I have dwelt too long in a place of subtle and stagnating peace,
knelt for too long, asking for the sands' release.
This ronin is ready for the fields of battle again.
It is where I am at peace with my nature.
I am not a creature of reflection but resurrection,
constantly burning away the layers of prayers
to find the real soul beneath the tinfoil wrappers.
Tears melt barren bones when wept in purifying pain,
a moment born of a purposed moment of truth.
The fifth word rebuilds four corners on three wishes,
the blade swishes in air apparent. And I step into the shadows.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.
from the City of Legends book "Ronin in the Temple of Aphrodite"


Copyright © William F. DeVault | All Rights Reserved