Defector in the Cola Wars
I have had enough with Coca Cola playing "hide the Splenda". And, let's be honest, Pepsi One leaves an aftertaste in your mouth like sucking on a wino's beard.
Diet RC got pulled when the bully boys at J.D. Searle and the big soda brands decided profit margin and margin share was worth more than brain lesions and liver cancer in a few thousand people.
DPSU has sat on its hands and spun while Splenda versions of Diet Dr Papper are still nowhere on the horizon.
So, me?
As I write this I am seated at my desk with a bottle of Tradwinds Diet Sweet Tea, with no sign of Aspartame anywhere near me. I got tired of the metabolic depressant effect of that sweet tasting toxin, plus the mouth lesions and undoubted internal damage being done every time I drink something with no calories but bubbles.
I am a defector in the Cola (or Soda) Wars.
This is one poet who wants to live long enough to meet his grandchildren, fall in love at least one more time (and give the lady several decades of total fawning devotion). I have a stated goal of overseeing at least the first 100 books of my writings, and at my current scheduled pace, that means health for another 20-30 years.
And, let's face it...a kiss is so much nicer than the best case of bladder disease.
So, Aspartmae is out, long live the compromise forced on me by corporate polluters who find it convenient to poison their customers as long as their celebrity endorsements and sporting event concerts keep the cattle at the trough.
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