Wednesday, November 08, 2006

a fragment of a lyric...

Listening over and over and over again to Izzy's little musical challenge, the following nugget of a start of a seed of a lyric came to me...

"There's no way to remember
There's no way to forget
There's no way to change what happened when I got hard and you got wet"

Is this to be the start of the lyric for this piece? I wish I knew...the thought went offline when the phone rang.

It is certainly evocative...

We shall see.


Ms. Adams said...

If a man is singing this, then consider the switch in meaning if he sang "you got hard and I got wet"

It all depends on what this song's about, I suppose. If it's about lust, then the other way works well, thought it's quite blunt. However, if the song's about a relationship, and the female is hard and the male is wet, then the romance is definitely in trouble, thinking of the idioms "to get all wet" as in to have your hopes dashed or to be mistaken and "to be hard" as in cold and unforgiving. I wish I had a musician friend asking me to write lyrics. :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh. My.
How do you do that with words alone?

The lyric may be blunt, but sometimes the simplest words are truest.

A very Yin/Yang lyric.

What goes around, comes around.

Miss Tif Fied

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