Sunday, November 05, 2006

Plugging a fellow author's ebooks

Wanted to plug a fellow author's works while I was thinking about it. Nice fellow by the name of Richard Kigel has writ two historical fiction ebooks; one about what might well have been the first man-powered flight, even prior to the Wright Brothers, the other about Abe Lincoln's Childhood.

The first is entitled "On the Wings of the Wind" and you can see more about it by clicking here. There's a linkt here to the other book.

Give them a view...I am a big supported of other authors, particularly those with some style, inventiveness and talent. Richard Kigel fits that perfectly. His bio reads:

"When it comes to reading, writing and books, Richard Kigel, brings the vast practical skills of an experienced literacy professional to his work. A veteran of thirty years teaching in Brooklyn public schools, Mr. Kigel trained at Columbia University’s Institute for Teaching Reading and Writing. He has been on the front lines in the literacy wars, inspiring students in reading and writing for a generation."

Best of luck, Richard.


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