Browser blues
I usually browse with Safari, so sometimes various browser compatibility issues crop up. I am annoyed, in a word, today, by one.
Yesterday I uploaded a draft version of the final cover for RONIN IN THE TEMPLE OF APHRODITE to this blog.
I got an email from Dan McTaggart letting me know that all that shows in his browser was a large, red "X". The image shows fine in Safari.
So I fired up my Firefox. It doesn't even show the "X".
Aigh! I guess I need to play with Preferences. But, more importantly, people coming to my blog are not seeing what I want them to see. That is annoying.
If anyone has any guidance, I am issuing them as JPGs via PhotoShop. I just tried to pull the file up, straight, from Firefox, and it informs me that it "contains errors" and doesn't display. It didn't define the errors, it just said "errors".
More on this later.
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