Saddam's death sentence
Well, Hussein has been sentenced to death. For killing people when he thought he had the political, legal and moral authority to kill. Isn't that wonderfully ironic?
It's not that I don't think that he is a good man. He is a very bad man. I just thought that we, the civilized world (as we like to think of ourselves), were better than all that. Making a martyr of a petty tyrant, so his followers can return the cycle of violence.
Guess we're not that smart, or good, after all.
Funny, I never once recall Jesus calling for the death penalty. I may have to reread the Bible, especially the New Testament, where Jesus was crucified and was resurrected to overturn the Old Covenant, the one that included revenge and violence and death sentences.
Guess some people never learn. And I can just see the Bush Administration, over the last 3-1/2 months since the trial ended, whispering "Don't announce the verdict until a few days before our election. We want the pro-death penalty vote."
Sickening, no?
Like Cheney announced so heartfelt at Ford's ceremenony, referring to the pardon of another criminal, Richard Nixon: there can be no healing without forgiveness.
Right? This administration seems to be all about talkietalkie and nothing about walkiewalkie. Seems like forgiveness only works when it applies to members of his own party.
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