Asking for feedback on a representative track of the CD
Just looking for some old-fashioned feedback. You can comment here, or drop me a line.
We're doing a major urban renewal project on the old City of Legends...and there are decisions to be made.
Not the least of which is which of three different clips from THE LAST ROMANTIC VERB will be used as the sample clip from the section on that CD...
here are the choices:
Kisses for Karma. This sweet, 3 minute and 15 second reverie on the decisions we face in loving has a very great charm for me, despite the rather jarring horns midway through.
Beasts of Legend. An intense and spawling work (15 and a half minutes long!) with several poems in it: "My Electric Lady", "Brisant Revelations", "Shards of Light", "Radiant Tigers", "Aureate", "Pellinore (watching from across the room)" and "glass roses". That incredible bridge just before "Radiant...". Maybe too long, too complex.
The Gods of Love, Live at Kyrienar. The Gods come down to play in this virtual concert. Five minutes and 38 seconds, containing "Monument", "Phoenix & Golem" and the defining moment that is "TRANSCENDENCE".
So, which should I use? I see the good and the bad in each. The person who comes up with the best reasoned argument for any one of the tracks gets a free book.
Kisses for Karma
This is fun and sweet at the same time. I wanted your voice to be a little louder. I wasn’t sure about the horn at first, because it made me want to start dancing, and then it was over. If you wanted your listener to want very much to hear more, this is a good choice, I would adjust the volume of your voice though, if possible. Yeah, I do want to hear this again. I’m curious about the harmonica. Was that a harmonica? I like harmonicas.
****Beasts of Legends****
I like the fact that the music does not override your voice. This selection really showcases your words. I especially liked the phrases “thermonuclear glory; Nuclear fusion of lover’s sweat; rosary of alpha topicals; Too true to trust. I liked the image of: “Tree of Life is a seaweed now” Radiant Tigers reminded me of Blake’s Tiger, Tiger Burning Bright, I like that. I especially liked the phrase “challenge the mocking moon.”
My personal pick would be this section because the music compliments your voice and your poetry without being distracting. That is what I like the best.
Live at Kryrienar
Wow. This one has all of the excitement of a big concert getting ready to begin. The music and crowd noises reminded me of Marc Antony’s famous Shakespearian speech. The opening music was thrilling. I enjoyed this one very much, HOWEVER, I could barely hear you, or your words over the cheering and crowd noises. I’m sure you are used to the cheering and crowd noises, but I had to strain my ear, and I didn’t like that part of it. I did like the background, although a few times when your voice came on, I heard what sounded a lot like feedback to me. Sound check! Sound check! Maybe you intended it this way. Hope I didn’t offend you with my comments. I’d like to hear this again without instrumentals and more clarity of your voice.
That’s what I think. Do I get a book? Salad? Pie? Or how about something clever or sweet, in writing, on a piece of scrap paper with my name on it? I’d like that a lot.
Shoot, then I'd have to give out my address. How were you going to deliver the prize? I think you should have everyone post comments here, so we know you're not playing favorites. Thanks for the chance to hear your stuff today! It was ALL GOOD!
Can’t wait to hear/see what you do.
~An Ardent Fan
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