Much to be thankful for (part 1)
This being Thanksgiving week here in the US, I figured it would be a good time to count my blessings, to list some of the things I am grateful for.
* That I have three beautiful, bright and loving children who are healthy and strong.
* That my parents are still with us and healthy.
* That my siblings are all alive and well.
* That God, in His or Her infinite humour, decided to give me my talent as a poet, but no "users' manual".
* My ex wives are both strong, competent people whom, on the balance, I have been blessed to know.
* Book and CD sales, while not astronomical, are intriguing.
* I was able to attend my daughter's wedding in Santa Barbara in September and she married a really nice fellow whom I have honest affection for.
* So far, my streak of indestructibility seems to be holding up. Still waiting for the "Kryptonite Blonde (or Redhead or Brunette)" to show up and make me regret ever having said that.
* Every day the City of Legends Radio podcasts get accessed by more and more people.
* I have friends I can trust and enemies whom you can judge me by their reasons in opposing me.
* Memory and reasoning speed are still within benchmark parameters.
* Weight is down, strength is up and endurance is improved.
* The Democrats regained control of the House and Senate!
* My catalog of poetry survived the tumult in Mississippi.
* My band, The Gods of Love, have given me a new outlet and a new audience.
* My faith in God, in the holy church of poetry and the value of love, remains unshaken.
All in all, much to be thankful for.
William F. DeVault
Where exactly are you hoping the kryptonite woman will show up?
You might be a little more clear, unless you are simply posturing.
Poets can do that. Get readers all stirred up just for the effect, you know.
Is the kryptonite woman a specific woman, or simply a fantasy? I'm sure you'll have many hopeful responses on this one.
-Thankful for your thoughtful posts
Your readers are blessed by your perspectives
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