Friday, December 30, 2005

a seductive voice from the past

Wow...what a day...the stress was getting to me, so I wrote.

What an incredible year. Thanks to everyone who got me through it.

Speaking of's the intro to one of the pieces to be featured in next week's Podcast. This is "the Selke"...the young woman who was the basis for "the selke cycles"...she kindly agreed to take part in the festival that will include herself, Nordette Adams, Dan McTaggart, South African author Tinka Boukes and others...

(and yes, I know some spell it "Selkie"...)

The Selke Introduces her reading

Yeah. She has a voice. Maybe I can get some of the others to contribute...that would be very thrilling.

So, how about it ladies? Ready to step out of legend for a moment?

I am all but debilitated with pain at the moment...but, you know, there are three ways to deal with pain.

You wither from it, you ignore it, or you learn from it. I earned my scars, all of them, and even have a little room for more.

I choose to learn. Cowards...feh!


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