Thursday, December 29, 2005

the faceted blogosphere

Those of you who have spent considerable time in my writings have encountered a series of poems, written over a multi-year period. The "faceted sphere" works (or as one reviewer referred to them, "the multi-faceted sphere" poems.

The premise behind each was to invoke a relationship that never image of someone I found intriguing, transformed to be what she would be to me in another "sphere", another world, another universe. Some are quite good. Most of them the woman in question knew of the works, a few were at a distance.

I was talking to someone the other day, and they suggested I post the ones that aren't commonly seen (there's a handful that are well-known...but...)

so here's one for you.

the faceted sphere: one

the comfort of your kiss. so innocent
that unicorns could watch without grief.
so tempting that, for a moment, a brief
aroma of brimstone flirted with my senses.
there is mystery here, mystery and madness
that begs me to hide from the call of questions
best left unanswered and unasked...veiled confessions
that carry within themselves passion and sadness.
an ending without a embrace shared
by lovers in an alternate reality passes by.
and beyond.
the riddle smiles at us and we smile coyly at bonds
that cannot hold us in this sphere...
dreams and nightmares undared...

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.

It was just a kiss. Just a kiss. But some kisses are better than a naked weekend in Cabo.

Anyway, I was reading an article about the explosion of communications caused by the "blogosphere" and the faceted sphere poems came to mind. Everyone is acting like they discovered the digital renaissance...a renaissance that started long before Blogs, more than a decade ago. Like any alternate culture devlopment, the mainstream is attempting to, and will with some success, absorb and usurp it.

Of course, that doesn't mean the mainstream Tommy Lee Jones in "Men in Black" we are most dangerous in the belly of the cockroach alien.

So, bon appetit, mainstream.


Copyright © William F. DeVault | All Rights Reserved