Wednesday, December 14, 2005

edits are is go...

busy, busy day.

I completed the edits for this weekend's show (OUT OF THE CITY podcast, available on Apple iTunes Music Store and from my own CITY OF LEGENDS RADIO site)...argh. ran so ling I had to cut a poem by Nordette Adams...ack!

But at least I now know the upper end duration limit for Garage Band...about 35 minutes. I learned.

I'm working on a new theme for the show...maybe in time for New Years.

Made my plans to visit the boys this glad to get to see them again. Still missing Peri (holidays are painful) but I have no control over that, so I just have to soldier on.

Have made progress on my Christmas Page...will have it up next week.

It is supposed to be wicked, weather-wise, tomorrow. We shall see what happens with that.

I've made a big decision for the new year...I'll unveil that, then.


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