Friday, September 09, 2005

word from Mississippi, sort of

The big guy just let me know that they have received word that his ex (Ann) and her mother and dog are all alive. Their house was given an improper Wizard-of-Oz treatment by Hurricane Katrina, but they had moved inland to ride it out.

His heart goes out to them (we've talked him out of going down there, as he doesn't have enough information as to what he could do for them anyway). They are in our thoughts and prayers (hey, they may not have treated him well, but he does love them and as such, cares for their fates and suffering).

I know he's kind of overcome with emotion right now, so I figured I'd put out the word so he doesn't have to.

Cue the Beethoven. Oh yeah...leak time: Podcast City of Legends, coming in October or Novemeber. Betchur mother's virtue on it.


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