Sunday, September 04, 2005

In Defense of Imperfection - and What I Believe In

Interesting points, E.J. (I do, on occasion, read your comments, you know)

I think, perhaps, you are starting to listen. Maybe too much, which means I either have to promote you or kill you.

Actually, open slots higher on the food chain and I am committed to non-violence, so you'll just have to stay where you are.

You leave out the point that I am not the easiest person to live with. I am passionate and giving, true. But I am also not good at focusing on just one thing or person to the exclusion of all else. Ann used to complain constantly that I would do things for others, not just for her, that my willingness to put myself for others; including my children, made her feel less special. The day I have so little love in my heart, so little strength in my form, that I can only help one person in this life, I am a shadow of what I should be.

Note to Ann: I took your birthday present and donated it to the relief efforts for Hurrican Katrina, I know you won't mind. (beatific smile)

I have been told I snore. I believe in monogamy. I like Los Angeles. I write when the spirit is upon me, even if it means getting up in the middle of the night. I like to work, I am not good at just relaxing. I don't drink or smoke or accept the notion that you can be a good person while committing a crime by using and dealing illegal drugs. I have fans...sometimes they get a little excessive (love letters from them? naked pictures via email of them? them showing up on my doorstep? somewhere along that chain there's a line to be drawn.) I prefer attractive women to unattractive women. I believe a potato is something you should grow in your garden, not be on the couch. I think all things should be open to discussion at all times. I think cats should not be allowe don the kitchen counters during meal preparation...

I have other faults, to be sure, but these are amongst those that have been invoked from women I've been involved with as to why we didn't work out. I have to note I've left off anything that might be considered actually a compliment (there are some people who consider certain aspects of me that I should not feel any regret over as faults)

By the way, E.J., you messed up the Statscounter code on this Blog and the new pages...I fixed it. Relax.

Now to the show: I've been threatening for some time to do my own rewrite of Crash Davis' remarkable speech from "Bull Durham". Here it is, to reflect my worldview:

"Well, I believe in the soul, long legs, and full lips, the beauty of a woman's shoulders, the villanelle, red meat, Diet Dr. Pepper, that mass market fiction is not literature. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing slams and spoken word artists who can't write poetry. I believe in the transcendence of language, written erotic is more arousing than photographs, opening one present Christmas Eve rather than Christmas morning and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last a lifetime."

I have other beliefs, of course, but I tried to stay to to just find my Annie Savoy.


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