Saturday, September 03, 2005

Salinas, California


I have been thinking sentimental thoughts of Salinas, where I lived and worked for three years.

I wonder if any of my old kids from there are out there, cruising around the web and might read this.

If they do:

Hey, this is "Bill" who worked at Sunrise House and ran the Friday Night Live Program.
Who was the Alcohol and Drug Resource Specialist at Harden Middle School.
Who assisted with the Mentoring Program for that school and North Salinas High School.
Who spoke at Cypress Grove High, at St. Mary's High and taught Youth Alternatives to Violence for the Monterey County Department of Probation
(I taught similar classes in Pass Christian, Mississippi, although off the record - Ann hated teaching, so she'd bring me in as a ringer to actually do her job for her when it called for classroom work)...
I also ran similar classes at Soledad High School.
If anyone from those days is out there (I know you are) and runs across this...drop me an email at (I'd like to see how everyone is doing, and amongst the items lost to time, duplicity and storms has been my contact information)

Yes, there are some particular kids from back there (some who would be in their college by now, so maybe "kids" is inappropriate) I'd like to know the fates of, but also just to see how Salinas is doing. I may actually be back there next Spring for a visit.


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