Saturday, September 24, 2005

I bleed for you a symphony

The key to the readings for the podcasts will be the tentpoles: Those key pieces around which I build each session. some are obvious, some not so much.

The Patchwork Skirt of My Love is so evocative of a mood, a time, a place, a mindset. It is certain to anchor the "campfire" set.

I rained poetry is most likely going to be the soul of a live reading set. It will be my most difficult set, as I will have to really "bring it" to be happy with it. But, I trust my engineer/producer, and it will be a closed set. This will perhaps be my one chace to really cut loose since the Fairhope Arts Center in 1997. About freaking time.

from out of the city will be one of the key works for the "prophecy" set. How can it not? Add "horizon" and you have already a potent stew of majesty...but they will not be alone.

The seduction/romantic set is interestingly problematic. "Sacred Smile" is certain to be in there, as is "The Unicorns" and "Warm Breath Stirs Soft Flesh"...and "Soubrette" and "Dare We Cross This Rubicon?" and "Monument" and "Gibbous"...and the list goes on and on...

I have about another twenty pieces I've already settled on (yes, Fuzzy, "sex cookies" are amongst them).

Argh...brain melt...overloading. Have to unjack and focus on nothing, instead of everything. These are days when I feel like Prometheus, chained to the rock..weary of my seeming indestructibility. Eventually I will find my crush depth. Place your bets if "theocricide" will be at the line.

Read some more of Tag (Daniel S. McTaggart)'s manuscript. Impressive, for a human.

a new work, I needed to bleed pressure. I am bottled up like Krakoa:

I bleed for you a symphony.
a place to lay your head.
the corners of conundrum.
a distant, darkened bed.

where children spark
in the brisant dark
to bring us back to light
in the mourning of the night.

here is the bone that turns the blade
but wears the wound, forever,
a pocked and marked stark arcade
the didn't reach forever.

William F. DeVault. all rights reserved.


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