picks of the litters
I am taking up a challenge from E.J. to select my personal favoruties from each of my extant volumes. I am excluding "101 Great Love Poems" for my own peculiar reasons.FROM AN UNEXPECTED QUARTER
An interesting book, the thickest by far until ...Panther... Very uneven...If i had it do over, I would have cut it by half for the quality and demanded my original cover, more provocative. Still, better than most, with some tasty mouthfuls, including the compleat Goldenheart Cycles...
from out of the city
the darker angels
ritornelle for silence
Damascus: Movement III
traveller to an antique landLOVE GODS OF A FORGOTTEN RELIGION
There are at least a dozen works in here that can count amongst my best. a reall author's book...but still not srong enough of an identity and it is often overlooked in marketing the brothers on either side...
Love Gods of a Forgotten Religion
I rained poetry
We Owe Debt to Memory
The Patchwork Skirt of My Love
feasting on memoryINVOCATO
The work I started with Love Gods... comes to fruition. This is some of the best works I have written or will ever write...originally conceived as the first of a trilogy, but that concept was abandoned when THEOCRICIDE took shape. Still, astounding, I can't open it without being pleasantly surprised.
The Unicorns
In the Arms of the Dragon
SoubretteThe Morgantown Suite Poems
A thank you to the kind folks at Arts Monongahela, a bit uneven artistically, but many of the things needing said getting said, including my overdue farewells to Melissa Andes, Michelle Tomasky and Dave Dlugos. A difficult volume for me to compile, but well worth the trip down memory lane. Besides, the look on the faces of Carole Weidebusch and Rosa Sebree faces when they realized they are both in there was worth the trouble. I wonder how some of the others who are in there must feel (at least Bob Wasson was flattered)
Hollow Shells
I will walk these streets again
the spot where she died
First Date Blues
Local TalentThe Compleat Panther Cycles
Difficult to rate, considering the massive content, but for the moment I'd endeavor. I would like to say that this volume is not the tombstone, but the cradle. I said it almost three decades ago: "The last of my breed. The first of my species."
Cassiopeia's Garden: Wildflowers
the common tongue
Panther On The Beach
I dared to dream of night blooming jasmine
The Reich of Self-Discipline
Of course, these are my tastes, and subject to change.
What next? Watch, but with one eye shielded from the light. You never know.
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