Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Why does Wednesday feel like Monday?

Still getting used to the AirPort connection, it is pretty stable...but sometimes....

Long day yesterday, a lot of little things went haywre (my cellphone decided to go on the fritz, for instance).

I called yesterday and left Jan, my ex, a birthday message on her voicemail. I know Peri has told me before that she doesn't really appreciate this, but I have found so much that either she (Peri) didn't interpret accurately or that has changed over the years that I have decided to just do what feels right to me.

Was helping Dad offload a set of boards for a building project and took a huge splinter in the hand...had to go to work with sharp things and grabby things to get all of it out. First time I recall getting a major splinter in probably a decade or more.

Ran into my old editor Janet Innes, online...we chatted for a while. She's bee so wrapped up in her grandson, Max, that she hadn't been following the buzz on THE COMPLEAT PANTHER CYCLES. Such is life.

I am seeing the sanity of a project I was going to be involved with slip away. A lady of my acquaintance has been working for sometime on putting together a concert and CD to show out support for our troops stationed overseas (not for a particular mission, or whatever, the men and women themselves). In time I was able to convince her that a website would be of value to promote it and tie it all together.

Now the project has largely evolved into a website for the posting of music and message and photos to and from West Virginia servicemen and servicewomen stationed overseas. That having been said, corporate sponsors want corporate website development (its sort of a "we all scratch each others' of the things that has really kept the West Virginia business scene so inbred...) and corporate website support packages costing thousands of dollars just for change control.

I'm staying on to advise, but at this point, I think all the monies they raise are going to go to general and administrative costs for businesses, rather than to making something truly homegrown and special. A support project for several hundred dollars is now the life of the milieu itself for several thousand.

Didn't write much yesterday. Heard from Dan McTaggart, and he reports he's in a writing frenzy. Good for him.

I have a headache...think I am coming down with something. Bleah.


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