Friday, September 09, 2005

Sentimental drivel

To hear E.J. ramble, I am near death with emotion.

E.J. needs to get a life. Hmmm, maybe it is time I got another assistant? Maybe that could be a contest later?

I have faced the mortality of those I love on more than one occasion. I had only been married to Ann a few weeks when I was told to prepare for her funeral. She lived, and I rejoice in the fact that, even if it is not with me in her life, she lives today. I am glad for the well being of her, her mother and our puppy, Sydney, all of whom are important to me.

I love my children, Peri, Elric and Dante, even when I do not see them sometimes for weeks or months at a time, and they are a missed part of my soul and being.

All this fuels me. Yes, the stress takes its toll on my frame and concentration, but it is in these fires of chaos and pain and misery that I first found myself and that I accept as my place in life. I was not made for comfort and boredom.

Ann, if you read this, I am glad you are okay. If you need anything, you know I will do what I can, as I have always done in the past. Maybe we should have stayed in Salinas?

Katherine, I may have never been your favourite person (let's not lie out of a sense of polite deception) but I want you to live and be happy, and to take good care of Ann. She loves you. Losing her back to you was not easy for me, but I know it is what you both wanted, and I can live with my own loss if you two are strong, safe and happy. I hope all of your friends are well and safe.

Sydney: Woof woof ruff ruff woof woof snarfle woof. (They won't understand, but you and I do. I am glad the storm didn't get you.)

Be well, all of you. All of you are, all people, in some sense, my cousins, my sisters, my brothers, my children, and I love all of my children.

Tomorrow is your birthday, Ann. I gave the present I was setting aside for you to the relief efforts, in your honor. I hope you understand.

I will make for you a new present, if you will it. If not, you and yours be safe, happy and well.


Anonymous said...

Check it out

With compliments......

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